By adding moderators to a video breakout, you can grant people the necessary tools to ensure that the video call goes smoothly for everyone involved.
Video breakout moderation can only be performed by participants using the web app, not the mobile apps.
What actions can moderators perform?
Moderators can perform the following actions on other attendees during a video breakout, using controls accessed via the individual attendee's thumbnail, using the ⋮ button:
Here they can:
- Pin or unpin attendees, to determine whether they should always appear on the first/main page of the video call, or not. Up to 5 attendees can be pinned at a given time.
- Mute an attendee or ask attendee to unmute if they are already muted or simply forgot to unmute. If you request that an attendee unmutes, the attendee will receive a notification from you.
- Kick out an attendee from the video call, which removes the attendee from the call (they can however join again if needed).
Moderators can also use the Participants list button in the video breakout (at the bottom of the screen) to access shortcuts for all controls for all participants, and in particular use the Mute all or Unmute all controls:
Here they can instantaneously mute all the other attendees in the call if needed (the moderator who clicked Mute all will not be muted).
Adding a moderator to a video breakout in Backstage
Go to the Sessions module in your workplace, and select the session with the associated video breakout breakout.
Now, click on the Video call moderator dropdown (to the bottom right) and select the attendees who will have access to the moderation controls (up to 5).
Technical notes
- Assigning an attendee as a moderator in Backstage (or unassigning them), even during the video breakout, has an immediate effect on the controls that those attendees can access. The app does not need to be refreshed for the changes to take effect.
- Attendees will receive notifications on screen whenever the moderator requests that they unmute their microphone.
- Moderators will also see a notification on their screen when they request that an attendee unmute their microphone.
- While a non-pinned attendee is speaking, they are automatically visible in the main/first page of the video breakout for all attendees to see.
- The order in which attendees are displayed on the main/first page of the video breakout is as follows: You > Attendee(s) pinned by the moderator(s) > Attendee speaking live
- Moderators can pin themselves as the "host" of the breakout, or unpin themselves and pin another attendee.
- Attendees cannot pin or unpin themselves. Only moderators can do this. Up to 5 attendees can be pinned at a given time.
- Video breakout moderation is only supported on the web app.
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