This article applies to the legacy Meetings module prior to version 3.0.0.
For the most recent version of the Meetings module, please refer to the Meetings scheduler article.
The Meetings module can be used to schedule ad-hoc in-person meetings between attendees at an event. It can be used by Backstage users or directly by attendees via the app.
Scheduling meetings from Backstage
To schedule a meeting in Backstage, in the main menu, go to Live > Meetings, and click on New meeting:
Here you can enter the meeting details:
Title: Add a meeting title that will be visible to the attendees.
Date: Add the date, time, and duration for the meeting.
Location: Add the location for the meeting.
Organizer: Select a user (attendee) in the workspace as the organizer of the meeting, and choose a status for that user (Pending / Accepted / Declined). The organizer will then be able to edit the meeting via the app.
Participants: Select the participants that will be invited to the meeting.
Click on Save to finish creating the meeting,. If the event is already live, the attendees will receive a notification to join the meeting, if not, they will receive a notification when they access the app.
Scheduling meetings in the mobile app
Participants can send a meeting invite by accessing the ... More > Meetings section in the app, and then tapping the + button:
They can then fill in the same fields as those described in the Scheduling meetings from Backstage section above.
Accepting and declining meetings
Participants that are invited to a meeting will receive a notification about the meeting, with a link to it.
They can then accept the meeting request by tapping ✅ in the meeting's details page, or decline it by tapping ❌. When a participant accepts or declines a meeting, the other participants receive a notification about it.
The built-in chat can also be used to propose a new date or a location, as well as to share details of the meeting.
Editing a meeting
App users who are set as orgnizers of the meeting can edit the meeting by opening it and tapping the Edit button.
When the meeting's details are changed, the invited participants are informed of the change. When the meeting's time or duration are changed, their attendance status is set to "pending" and they will need to accept or decline the meeting again.
Deleting a meeting
Meeting's organizers can cancel a meeting by tapping on the Edit button in the meeting's details page in the app, and then tapping on the Delete meeting option. The meeting participants will be informed that the meeting is cancelled.
Exporting or importing meetings
Meetings can be exported by clicking on the Export XLS button in the Meetings module in Backstage:
The exported file contains one row per meeting, and it includes the following details:
fp_ext_id: meeting id for export purposes
title: meeting’s title
date: meeting's date and time (yyyy/mm/dd HH:mm)
duration: meeting’s duration
location: meeting’s location
organizer.fp_ext_id: meeting’s organizer id
organizer.fname: meeting’s organizer first name
organizer.lname: meeting’s organizer last name
organizer.attendance: organizer attendance status (accepted, declined, pending)
participant.0.fp_ext_id: participant 0 id
participant.0.fname: participant 0 first name
partificpant.0.lname: participant 0 last name
participant.0.attendance: participant 0 attendance status (accepted, declined, pending)
participant.N.fp_ext_id: participant N id
participant.N.fname: participant N first name
partificpant.N.lname: participant N last name
participant.N.attendance: participant N attendance status (accepted, declined, pending)
Meetings can be imported by clicking on the Import XLS button. The imported file should be a XLS file with one row per meeting, with the same following information:
fp_ext_id: meeting id for export purposes (only required when updating a meeting)
title: meeting’s title
date: meeting's date and time (yyyy/mm/dd HH:mm)
duration: meeting’s duration
location: meeting’s location
organizer.fp_ext_id: meeting’s organizer id
organizer.fname: meeting’s organizer first name (optional)
organizer.lname: meeting’s organizer last name (optional)
organizer.attendance: organizer attendance status (accepted, declined, pending)
participant.0.fp_ext_id: participant 0 id
participant.0.fname: participant 0 first name(optional)
partificpant.0.lname: participant 0 last name(optional)
participant.0.attendance: participant 0 attendance status (accepted, declined, pending)
participant.N.fp_ext_id: participant N id
participant.N.fname: participant N first name(optional)
partificpant.N.lname: participant N last name(optional)
participant.N.attendance: participant N attendance status (accepted, declined, pending)
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