You can collect event registrations via a Splash event, and push those registrations to a SpotMe event directly using an HTTP request integration.
Once the below configuration is enabled, all the attendees who register to the Splash event will be automatically pushed to the users list in the connected SpotMe workspace. Attendees who registered to the Splash event before the integration was enabled will not be automatically pushed to the connected SpotMe event, and will need to be exported from Splash and then imported into the SpotMe event.
What will you need?
- Access to Splash and a created event where registrations will take place.
- Access to SpotMe Backstage and a created workspace where you will push the registrations from the Splash page.
- API Developer access on the SpotMe platform (to be able to retrieve the SpotMe API token).
Step 1: In SpotMe - collect the SpotMe workspace ID and the API token
In order to connect your Splash event to the SpotMe event (workspace), you will need to copy the SpotMe workspace ID and the SpotMe API token, in order to use them later on when connecting the two platforms:
- Log-in to SpotMe Backstage and access your created workspace (event) there.
- Copy your workspace ID from the URL bar in your browser, as shown below:
Keep the workspace ID safe somewhere, you will need it later on.
- Now, still in SpotMe Backstage, get a SpotMe API token by following the steps described in the SpotMe API documentation. Keep the SpotMe API token safe too, as you will also need it later on.
Step 2: In Splash - add a new "HTTP Request" integration to your Splash event
In your Splash event, you can now create and configure the HTTP request integration, in order to connect the Splash event to the SpotMe workspace.
- Log-in to Splash and access the event there.
- On the landing page, go to the Settings tab:
- Next, go to the Integrations tab, and click on New integration:
- In the below window, select the HTTP request type for the integration:
- A new (empty) integration called "HTTP request" is now added to the list of event integrations:
Step 3: In Splash - enter the settings for the new HTTP request integration
- From the newly added HTTP request integration, click on the Request settings tab:
(Leave the Authentication Type on the Authentication page as No Authentication). - In the Request settings tab:
- Change the Integration name to something meaningful, for example here we have used "Register RSVP - Yes Guests for SpotMe Event".
- Leave the HTTP method as POST and enter the following address for the Postback URL:{{eid}}/global/docs/person
In the Postback URL, replace the {{eid}} text with the SpotMe workspace ID that you kept safe in Step 1.
- Set the content type to application/json. - In the Headers section below, add the following Key-Value:
Authorization / Bearer {{token id}}
Replace {{token id}} with the SpotMe API Key that you kept safe in Step 1.
Please note that there must be a space between the word "Bearer" and the SpotMe API Key. - In the Triggers section, to push all the registered attendees from the Splash event to the SpotMe workspace, keep the "Trigger" dropdown as Attendee and check the RSVP Yes box:
- In the Field mappings, you will need to add multiple field mappings between the Splash event and the SpotMe event. To add a field mapping, click on the Add a field button, and fill-in the information as follows:
You will need to create mappings for the following fields that are marked as mandatory in the column to the right. We also recommend that you create a field for the"Custom" object:
Splash Object
Splash Field
SpotMe Person Field
First Name
Last Name
No, but it is recommended
Other mapping suggestions/examples include:
Splash Object
Splash Field
SpotMe Person Field
Job Title
Salesforce Lead / Contact ID
<your custom metadata field>
Do you require accommodation
<your custom metadata field>
- Click on Save at the bottom of the page once you have finished adding the mappings and other request settings.
- Enable or disable the HTTP request integration:
To enable the HTTP request integration, scroll up to the top of the HTTP request settings, and use the button in the top right corner to set it to ON:
Once the HTTP request integration is enabled, all the attendees who register to the Splash event will be automatically pushed to the users list in the connected SpotMe workspace. Attendees who registered to the Splash event before the integration was enabled will not be automatically pushed to the connected SpotMe event, and will need to be exported from Splash and then imported into the SpotMe event.
For more details on how to configure Splash HTTP request integrations, you can also visit the HTTP Request Integration Guide.
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