You can create a Prize store in your event, where participants can win virtual or physical prizes by exchanging points earned during an activity challenge. You will first need to have created an activity challenge in your workspace, in order to link a prize store to it.
The prize store can be accessed by attendees via the web app or the mobile app, usually via an app menu item that can be created and linked to the prize store.
Below is an example of a prize store on the web app:
1- App menu item to access prize store / 2- items or prizes available to choose from / 3-balance of points that the attendee has (updated in real time as prizes are reserved by the attendee) / 4- Pickup windows that the attendee can choose from / 5- Reserve button used to confirm the selected prize(s) and pickup window / 6- History of prizes that are reserved by the attendee (including any that are cancelled)
In the prize store, the attendee will typically select prize(s) to purchase using their activity challenge points. They will choose the number of items, the number of points that the transaction will cost is shown, and they will hit Add to finish their selection:
After selecting their prize(s), attendees will select a pickup window. This is an available timeslot during which they will pickup their prize(s). Once this is done, they will select Reserve to confirm:
The reservation is confirmed in the Reservation history section, and can be cancelled here by the attendee if need be:
In this article we'll explain how you can link a prize store to an activity challenge in your event, and how you can configure the various components needed for the prize store:
- Creating the prize store
- Creating the products (prizes)
- Creating the pickup windows
- Using the reservation manager
- Configuring the prize store display template
Note: Prize store is a paid module available on the Marketplace, and requires that the Activity challenge module is installed on the workspace.
Creating a prize store
After installing the Prize store module, follow the below steps to create a prize store on an event that already has an activity challenge configured.
- Go to Live > Prize store > New prize store.
- Enter the name for the prize store, and select the activity challenge that the prize store will be linked to.
If you have multiple activity challenges in the workspace, you may wish to create multiple prize stores (one for each activity), and then apply targeting to determine.
Creating products or prizes in the prize store
Important: Before you start to create prizes in the prize store, and in order to see the prizes as your crate them, please configure the prize store display template to make sure that prizes will be displayed properly in the app.
Prizes, also referred to as "Products" in Backstage, need to be created in the prize store for attendees to choose from and reserve (using their activity challenge points).
To create a prize:
- In the workspace main menu go to Live > Prize Store.
- Open the Products tab, and click on New product.
- Enter the following information for your prize (or product):
- Product cost: The number of points needed to reserve this item.
- Product description: A brief description of the product or prize.
- Product name: The name of the product or prize in the app
- Sort order number: You can determine the order in which this item should appear using numbers. Entering in "1" here would place the item at the top of the list, "2" second in the list, etc.
- Total inventory: The number of individual items of this product or prize that are available for attendees to reserve.
- What activity challenge is this related to? Once you have defined the above fields, you can link the product or prize to an activity challenge.
- Icon: You can upload an icon to illustrate the product in the app. Accepted format is PNG, and it must be less than 100KB.
Creating pickup windows
When attendees reserve a product (or prize), they also need to choose a time slot (pickup window) during which they will collect their prize. These pickup windows need to be created in Backstage:
- In the workspace main menu go to Live > Prize Store.
- Open the Pickup windows tab, and click on New product.
- Enter the following information for the prize store pickup window:
- Start: The starting time for the prize pickup window (in event's timezone).
- End: The starting time for the prize pickup the window (in event's timezone).
- Maximum number of pickups allowed for this window: Here you can determine how many pickups are allowed in the this pickup window.
- What activity challenge is this related to? Once you have defined the above fields, you can link the pickup window to an activity challenge. If you have multiple activity challenges in the workspace, you may wish to create a pickup window per activity where attendees can pickup their prizes.
Tip: Multiple pick up windows can be created and associated to a prize store, to facilitate logistics onsite.
Using the reservation manager
The Reservation manager tab in the Prize store module is important as it is used to manage the reservations of prizes made by the attendees in the app.
In the workspace main menu, go to Live > Prize Store, and open the Reservation manager tab to access the reservation manager.
Here, the Backstage user can see all reservations made by attendees in the app, for a selected activity challenge (and the associated prize store(s)), and for a selected pick up window, and even by filtering using an attendee's name:
Other options for filtering through prize reservations include showing only pending pick-ups or showing all pick-ups, or showing all data for all pick up windows.
Once an attendee has successfully reserved an item in the prize store, they will come to the pickup location during their pickup window to receive their prize. Backstage users can then mark the order as fulfilled in the reservation manager.
This in turn will update the inventory (items in stock) of the product in the prize store, and the reservation history for the attendee in the app:
Using the reservation manager, Backstage users can also cancel an order or send a reminder to an attendee to pick up their prize.
Configuring the prize store display template
To make sure that the prize store displays properly in the app, you will need to add two components to the display template.
In the Backstage main menu, go to Live > Prize store, and open the Display template tab.
Here, add in the two components called Prize Store Checkout and Prize Store Items:
Here, you will need to link the prize store items component to the actual prize store items (or products/prizes). Select the Prize store items component, then select the available prizes in the panel to the right using the dropdown:
Technical notes
For optimal performance, please make sure that the native-frontloader library is fully up-to-date, prior to using the Prize store module.
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