When using a registration page for your event, you can add a pre-registration screen that will appear as the first thing that the registrant will see when they try to access the registration page.
This pre-registration screen will be displayed before the landing page, and can be used to share or confirm an important information with the registrant before they can proceed to the actual registration page.
It can for example be designed so that the registrant can confirm that they are a professional of a certain field of work, or to acknowledge a crucial piece of information. Once the registrant has confirmed this information, they will be allowed to proceed to the registration landing page.
For example, here we request that the registrant confirms that they are a healthcare professional in order to proceed:
The pre-registration screen can be toggled on or off in your workspace's registration page, via the Event details tab:
By clicking on the Pre-registration confirmation button, you enable the pre-registration screen using the Show pre-registration confirmation toggle:
This will display the editor, where you can customize the pre-registration screen:
Here, you can:
Toggle on or off the pre-registration screen.
Add your own custom text, links, formatting, and images using the built-in text editor.
For images: Please note that when adding images, the maximum space available for the image is 1044 px wide, and the aspect ratio of the source image is maintained. Therefore, if you intend to use the full width of the screen for your image, like in the example at the top of this article, we recommend that you use an image that is 1044 px wide.
Buttons - The labels (texts) that are displayed in the primary ("I confirm") and secondary ("I do not confirm") buttons can be edited in the Translations manager in the workspace. This is accessible in the workspace via the Settings menu > Translations. Here you can search for the corresponding keys that are identified as "warning_wall_accept" and "warning_wall_reject", in order to modify the text/translations:
The "warning_wall_accept" button directs attendees to the registration page, while the target web page for the secondary button ("warning_wall_reject") can be customized below.
Add a secondary button URL. This URL corresponds to the web page that the user will be taken to if they decline the pre-registration screen (for example, if they click on "I am not a healthcare professional" in the example above).
Links and buttons colors: The colors used in the buttons is linked to the “Primary color” (button background color) and the "Secondary color" (text color) that are selected in the Design tab of the Registration section in Backstage. The color used for hyperlinks is also the linked to the “Primary color” selected in the Design tab of the Registration section in Backstage.
Once you have made the changes, remember to click on Save to confirm your edits.
The Pre-registration confirmation item visible in the Event details of the registration page in Backstage will now show as ENABLED:
You can preview the pre-registration screen to see how it looks and works, by clicking the Open page button in the registration page in Backstage:
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