How do session exclusion groups work?
Exclusion groups are created at the agenda level in the workspace.
They are used by event planners in order to specifically require that attendees only register to a single session within a defined group of sessions, and are applicable when attendees register to sessions via the app or via the registration page.
Sessions that are added to a mutually exclusive group can for example be sessions that are on the same topic, or that have the same speaker. By creating a mutually exclusive group, planners can optimize the number of seats that are available per session, and better ensure that attendees do not attend multiple sessions that are too similar in content.
These “groups” are not actually visible in the app or the registration page for the attendees.
When an exclusion group is created and several individual sessions are added to it, then the attendees will only be able to register to one of the sessions that are in the group.
Once they have selected one session, the other sessions in the group can no longer be selected. The attendee will need to unselect the session in order to register to a different one.
Example of a mutually exclusive group in the agenda in the app
Here we have four sessions with the same speakers. Let's imagine that we have created an exclusion group called "Day 1 exclusion group" that includes these four agenda sessions:
The attendee, when accessing their agenda via the app, can see the following:
With the exclusion group applied, they can register to one of these sessions:
However, with the exclusion group created, if after having registered to one session they go to another session that is in the exclusion group, they will see the following message in that session:
Here in the second session they will see that they cannot register to it, because they have registered to a conflicting session. They can however easily click on the Unregister button, in order to unregister from the first session. Doing this will allow them to register to the second session:
They can only register to one of the sessions included in the exclusion group. They will therefore need to unregister from the first session that they had previously registered to, in order to be able to register for a different one.
Example of a mutually exclusive group in the registration page
In the registration page, when attendees register to sessions that are part of the same exclusion group, they will also only be able to register to one of the sessions that are part of the same group.
In the below example, of the four sessions that are available for registration via the registration page, the attendee can only register to one of them, as they are part of the same group:
As soon as the attendee selects one session from the group, the others are no longer available to be selected. They have to unselect the selected agenda session in order to register to a different one.
How to create session exclusion groups?
Session exclusion groups are created in the Sessions module in the workspace. To create an exclusion group:
- Go to Content > Sessions > Registration tab.
- Click on (1) New exclusion group +:
Here you can:
- Add a name (2) for the exclusion group. This name is only visible in Backstage, it is not visible in the app or the registration page.
Use the dropdown (3) to select the individual agenda sessions that will be part of this exclusion group. To note, only the first 20 sessions that are available to choose from are shown in the dropdown. If you are not seeing the session that you are looking for, use the Search field to find it.
Remember to always click on Save to confirm your changes.
All agenda session exclusion groups are visible in the in the Sessions module > Registration tab, where they can be accessed, renamed, edited and deleted if needed, by clicking on the ⋮ button located to the right of the group name:
Important: Based on your needs, you can have multiple session exclusion groups that work in parallel, and individual sessions can belong to multiple groups.
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