In this article we will look at:
- How you can store user information in your workspace, and how you can choose to display this information in your attendees user profiles in the app.
- What settings are present in the user profile and user preferences, and how they can be used to manage your attendees profiles, experience, and their access to the app.
For more information on importing users to your workspace via XLS, exporting user a list, or adding users manually to your workspace, please refer to the Adding app users to the workspace article.
If you are looking for information on how to email your app users, please refer the how to send emails to your attendees article.
What are the standard fields and settings present in the user profile in Backstage?
Workspaces always have a default set of fields that are present in the user profile in Backstage.
Some of these fields are used to contain actual user information (and can also be made visible in the user profile in the app), while others are only used as settings or options for managing the attendees in the event.
Below is an overview of the fields and settings that are visible in the user profile in Backstage, what they are used for, and whether they are (or can be) made visible in the user profile in the app:
Green: User information fields (metadata) that are (or can be) made visible in the attendee profile in the app.
Orange: User fields or settings that are only used by Backstage users to manage the user in the workspace.
User information fields that are (or can be) visible in the profile in the app (in green above)
Below is a list of the fields visible by default in Backstage:
Mandatory user information fields that cannot be removed: First name, Last name, Email address.
These fields have to be populated in Backstage in order to add a user to the workplace. They are also by default included in the user display template, and therefore visible in the user profile in the app.
Optional user information fields: Organization, Position, Phone/Mobile number, Address, Linkedin profile URL, City, Website, Region/State, Zip code, Country, Biography.
These fields are optional. They are present in Backstage and can, if needed, be displayed in the user display template. You may need to add them to the user template should you wish to make them visible in the user profile.
Visible in app (not always visible depending on the template used): Yes/No
This is used to determine whether the app user should be visible to other attendees or not.
It is a field that can be by default visible in the user profile in the app, although in some cases you may need to add it in order to use it. More information
Attending: Virtually or in-person:
This field is very important for hybrid events, as it is used by the platform to determine what experience to deliver to the attendees for hybrid live sessions. Based on the selection for this fierld, the experience delivered to the attendee can be either virtual (with a live stream) or in-person (without the live stream). More information
User fields that are only utilized by Backstage users to manage the user in the workspace (in orange above)
Self registered: This checkbox indicates whether the user registered to the event via public registration page, and can be edited by the Backstage user. It is not visible in the user profile via the app.
Status: Active/Hidden/Cancelled/Pending
This is used to manage whether a user is visible or not in the app, or whether they can access the event app or not. This is not visible in the user profile via the app.
External QR code value: To allow the SpotMe platform to read third party user QR codes, you can take the user information from the third party platform QR codes, and add it to the SpotMe user profiles in the workspace in Backstage. This is done using a user metadata (field) in SpotMe called External QR code value. More information
Attendance status: This shows the status for the attendee with regards to their attendance to the event. This is calculated by Backstage for tracking purposes based on configured rules and criteria. More information
Are you attending the event? Yes, I will attend / No, I will not attend / Pending
Only visible if an RSVP registration page is used. This field is linked to the RSVP answer for the attendee, when the attendee is invited to RSVP to the event via a private registration page. This is not visible in the user profile via the app, but is used by the attendee via the private RSVP registration form.
Access the web app as {{fname}}
This button is used to access the URL that will allow the user to directly access the web app. You can use it when you need to help an attendee to gain access to the web app, by sending them the URL. This is not visible in the user profile via the app. This is not visible in the user profile via the app. More information
Generate a badge print for {{fname}}
Only available if the Badges and certificates module is installed on the workspace. Can be used to generate a user badge for the attendee.
Quick stats
Shows the number of sessions that the attendee has registered to, or is targeted by.
Send an email
You can use the dropdown here to select an email template and send an email to this specific user. This is not visible in the user profile via the app. More information
Access the app:
Here you will find a password to access the app as the user (this is visible only if the "Event passwords" setting is enabled in the organization default workspace settings).
You will also find a URL link to download the app from the app store.
There is also a QR code that can be used to download and open the app.
Settings > Display template: Select a display template for the user's profile page. By default, the standard "person" profile is used.
How to configure what user information will be visible in the app user profile?
The user display templates are used to determine what user information among the user fields in green above, that will be visible in the user profile in the app. This is done by adding and configuring certain components in the user display templates, in the same way as you would build a page.
Here we distinguish:
The Profile display template, that allows you to choose which fields the participants can edit themselves in their profiles in the app.
- The Person display template, that allows you to choose the content that will be visible on the participants' profile page when seen by other participants.
More information on editing the user display templates
How to manage whether a user is visible or not in the app, or whether they can access the event app or not
In the user's profile in Backstage, you can use the "Status" field to manage whether a user is visible or not in the app to other app users, and whether a user has access to the event app or not. This is done using the following statuses:
- Active means that the app user will be active and visible in the workspace to other app users, this is the standard option that should be used for your workspace app users.
Hidden means that the this user will not be visible to other app users.
This option is selected by default for the workspace creator (or Backstage user) to make them invisible to other app users in the workspace. - Cancelled means that the app user no longer has access to the workspace. This can be used to remove an app user from the workspace. Cancelled users will not receive any emails from the event.
- Pending means that the user has registered to the event via a registration page, but still needs to be approved in Backstage (a manual approval step is enabled on the Registration page). "Pending" users do not have access to the app until their registration is approved. The list of "pending" users in a workspace can be found in Content > Users > Pending registration requests tab.
Important: The "User" status is not the same as the "User registration" status. More information
How to upload or download user profile images
The Profile photos tab is used to manage all the app users profile pictures. Here you can upload pictures to your app users' profiles, or download all user profile pictures.
Uploading user profile pictures
Using the Profile pictures tab you can bulk upload pictures directly to your app user profiles in the workspace. This will be much faster than uploading the pictures one-by-one in the individual user profiles, and can also be an alternative to asking your app users to upload their pictures themselves.
To do so, first you'll need to gather all the user pictures into a folder, and rename the files based on the users' IDs. Remember that the recommended format for profile pictures is a 400x400px JPG file.
To find your user IDs, you can download the user list in the workspace, using the Export XLS button. Below is an example of how this should look, with the IDs highlighted:
For example, the picture for the user called Sabrina Bryan needs to be renamed "User1", the picture for the user named Brian Dawson needs to be renamed "User2", etc.
Once you've renamed the pictures with the corresponding user IDs, you can compress them into a .zip folder, and upload them via the Click or drop photos or zip here button. If you have named the images correctly they will be added directly to the app user profiles.
Downloading user profile pictures
You can also download all the user profile pictures via the Profile photos tab, by clicking on the Get all user photos button. This will download a .zip file containing all the pictures.
The downloaded pictures will be named the same way as they were when they were uploaded (whether done by a Backstage user or an app user).
How to display or hide the user initials in the user profile picture, if no picture is uploaded
By default, when no user profile picture has been added to the user profile, the user's initials will be displayed to represent the user in the app:
You can decide to not show the user's initials, by unchecking the "Show initials" option, available in Backstage at Users > Preferences:
When you do this, the default "nophoto" image is used instead of the initials in the user profile picture:
You can also replace this "nophoto" asset, with another file named "nophoto.png" that better matches your event's branding/identity. Recommended size is 300 × 300 px, max 100kb. This is done via the Files > Icons tab, and by removing the existing asset and uploading a new one with the exact same nophoto fp_ext_id:
How to edit the link to the users list in the app
In Users > Preferences > Link appearance, you can configure how the link in the app to access the list of participants will look:
More specifically, you can configure the visible icon and text ("Title" + "Subtitle") that will be displayed for the link.
Select the icon that will be displayed, or upload a new one and select it.
Here you can select or create the main text label for the link. Here we have selected the existing "People" label).
Here you can configure a secondary label to display, by selecting an existing label or by creating a new one.
How to manage the participant list search and filters in the app
You can deactivate the search and remove the default filters that are available to participants when they view the participant list:
To do this, go to Users > Preferences > User list:
- Use the "Search" checkbox to enable or disable the Search bar.
- Three filters can be enabled or disabled here: country, company, and position:
Notes: Filtering options are available only for the main participant list in the event, not for custom lists. Participants can only can only search and filter in the pre-defined user profile fields (name, company, country, position), not using custom metadata.
How to edit how the attendees appear in the participant list:
In Users > Preferences > List item appearance, you can configure how individual attendees look when displayed in the participant list:
Three lines are used to configure what app user information will be displayed in a user list. Each line in these settings uses metadata to pull information from the app user's profile in order to display it in the list.
These lines can be edited to use any of the metadata (or fields) available in the users' profiles.
How to edit or add more fields to the user profiles in your workspace
You can add your own custom user fields to the event in Backstage, or edit existing ones. This can used be to collect additional information from your attendees, and also for targeting purposes.
To add custom fields, you need to use the Metadata manager. More information
What are protected fields in the user profile?
In the User view page in Backstage, when accessing a user's profile information, you may notice that some fields are marked with a "padlock".
For example, look at the "Mobile phone" field present at the bottom of the following screenshot:
User fields that are marked this way with a padlock are protected.
Protected user fields are fields that this specific user (or attendee), via the app, has edited the data for. In this example, the attendee has populated or edited their mobile phone number via their profile in the app (web or mobile).
Once a field's data has been populated or edited by the attendee via the app, no further changes can be made to this specific user field's data via Backstage, whether it is manually or via a XLS user list upload, or via API integration synchronizations.
If an attempt is made to update the data for a protected field for a user via XLS user list upload or via an API integration synchronization, the change will simply not be made by the system. Any other changes that are made to non-protected fields will go ahead as normal.
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