This page describes the step-by-step process to create an Apple developer account for the purpose of publishing a new container app or transferring an existing app to your account.
Apple developer account
In order to sign up for an iOS developer account with Apple:
1. Obtain a DUNS number. Please refer to this page for detailed instructions.
2. To create a Public Apple account, go to:
3. To create an Enterprise Apple account, go to:
- If you are unsure which type of account to create, please refer to this page for more details.
4. Sign-in using an existing Apple ID or click Create Apple ID to create a new Apple ID.
- You need to enable two-factor authentication for the Apple ID in order to continue.
5. Click on Start Your Enrolment
6. Fill in the Personal Information section:
7. Select one of the options from the Entity Type dropdown:
- Individual/Sole Proprietor/Single Person Business: Individuals or companies without an officially recognized business (company without a Dun and Bradstreet number). This account only allows for a single primary login to be created to the iOS developer account
- Company/Organization: Legally recognized companies with a Dun and Bradstreet number can select this option. This will allow multiple user logins to be created and managed with varying permissions capabilities for each login.
If your app is branded to your company (as opposed to an individual) then you will need to enroll as a Company/Organization, and in order to do so, you will need to provide a Dun and Bradstreet (DUNS) number. If you’re uncertain as to whether your business has a DUNS number, then you can check to see here.
8. Provide your Legal entity name and DUNS number during the enrolment process:
The developer name listed on App Store Connect is based on the type of account selected from the options below:
- Apps published to individual developer accounts will display the name listed on the iOS developer account.
- Apps published to Company/Organization developer accounts will display the Company Name entered within the iOS developer account.
9. Read the Apple Developer Program License Agreement, check the "By checking this box I confirm that I have read and agree...", box, and then click "Continue":
10. Confirm the Apple ID information, Entity Type, and Contact Information, and hit "Continue".
11. If you prefer that your Apple Developer Program Membership be automatically renewed, check the auto-renewal box, then click "Purchase" to enroll and pay for your yearly iOS developer account:
12. Fill in the billing information and click on "Continue" to complete the payment and setup of your yearly iOS developer Aacount.
13. Fill in any remaining information on the following screens. Apple will send a confirmation email within 24 hours notifying you that your iOS developer account was successfully created.
Accessing App Store Connect
Once you've completed your enrolment in the Apple Developer Program, you can sign in to App Store Connect with the Apple ID you used to enroll.
1. Go to, then sign in with your Apple ID.
2. Click any section on the homepage to access its features.
3. To add new users with access to your App Store account, from the homepage, click on Users and Access, then tap on (+) next to Users and fill in:
- First name.
- Last name.
- Email address.
- User role.
4. Click Save to confirm.
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