Feed post videos are great for sharing short messages or announcements, live updates from speakers or event organizers, or anything to generate a discussion before, during, or even after your event.
For more engagement, remember to personalize the posts as much as possible. This can be done by sending on behalf of a speaker (with their photo included), and with some catchy text on the subject of the post.
Remember to also add a thumbnail to the post, an eye-catching screenshot of the video for example.
You can post videos using files that are uploaded to the video library (recommended), or using online videos that are created as webcast documents in the workspace:
- First of all, upload all the videos that you wish to use in the workspace's Video library.
Note: If you are sharing a video that is hosted online, instead of using the video library you will need to create a webcast document, using the Documents module, and selecting the "Webcast" document type. - Create your feed post. While creating the post, you'll choose a specific feed to post on, however remember that by default the post will still appear on the home feed (unless the selected feed is excluded from the home feed).
- Remember to link your video to the post, using the Video field. The Video field allows you to select any video that is uploaded to the Video library. If you haven't already uploaded your video to the Video library, you can upload the file directly from here, using the Upload button
Note: If you are sharing a video that is hosted online, use the Attachments field, select Document in the dropdown, then select the webcast document/video (as explained in step 1). - Create a video thumbnail for your video. To do so, take a catchy screenshot that illustrates the content of your video nicely (when paused). You can then add the thumbnail to your post by using the Image option when your create your post. The thumbnail will appear until your audience hits play on the video. Thumbnail images are cropped to 4:3 rectangle. Images below that ratio will be fully displayed. Images above that ratio are cropped.
- Send your post.
How do feeds work in my event?
How to create a feed?
How to post on a feed from Backstage?
How to exclude feeds from the home feed?
How to moderate feed posts?
How do participants post in the event?
How to target feeds to your audience?
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