You can download a full report of the webinar analytics to see how your participants interacted with the webinar.
This includes the participants' details, how long they attended (or watched the on demand recording), how many times they clapped, what questions they asked, and how they answered any polls.
To access the analytics:
- Open the webinar in Backstage.
- In the top left corner, click on the Analytics button:
- In the analytics window, click on Download interactions report. The XLS file will be downloaded containing all the analytics data for the webinar.
Note: If you enable the advanced options you can also specify a start and end time for the analytics you will be downloading (by default the start and end time will be set the when the webinar broadcast started and ended).
What information does the analytics report contain?
The report contains the following tabs: Viewers (viewer information), Questions (any Q&A questions or comments), and any individual poll results each in separate sheets.
Viewers information
- Participant profile details: ID in event, first and last name, email, organization, position.
All users active in the workspace are listed. This includes users who have not accepted cookies. - Clap count: Number of claps during the webinar per participant ("Clap count VOD" corresponds to the number of claps while watching a recording (on demand version) of the webinar.
- Live stream watch time (seconds): How long each participant has watched the webinar in total, in seconds. Any paused time while watching the webinar will be considered as watched time in this report.
- VOD watch time: How long they have watched the on-demand video of the webinar (in seconds), when the video is published. Any paused time while watching the on demand video will be considered as watched time in this report.
Q&A questions
- User profile details: ID in event, first and last name, email, organization, position.
Only the participants that posted questions are listed. If a participant posted a question anonymously, this profile information will not be listed (only the question will appear).
This includes users who have not accepted cookies. - Question: Question asked during the webinar by the participant (unless posted as anonymous).
- Sent at: Date and time the question was posted by participant.
- Status of the questions posted by participants in the Q&A moderation (incoming / approved for discussion / archived).
- Discussed? Indicates whether the question was discussed during the webinar (i.e. if it was added to the For discussions tab).
Poll results
Each poll launched in the webinar, including the responses from the audience, will appear as a separate sheet in the exported file.
Each sheet will contain:
- Poll summary: The question, time when the poll was launched and closed, number of views and total number of votes.
- Result summary: The number of votes for each response option in the poll.
- User details: For each user that participated in the poll their ID, first and last name, email, organisation and position are listed. Their vote and the time they voted at is also available.
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