The below updates will be made automatically unless specified otherwise.
Live sessions polls associated to activity challenges
Encourage your attendees to take part in live session polls by awarding them points in activity challenges. Choose whether to award points just for participation, or for only correct answers.
More information
Please update the Activity challenge module to see these changes.
Improved content hub analytics
The content hub analytics report has been updated to provide more insightful and actionable data, in particular by including all user metadata in the report. More information
Improved live session analytics
The live session analytics report has been updated to provide more insightful and actionable data, by including all user metadata in the report. More information
Add a content hub access button to your event app menu
Allow your event audience to easily access a content hub from your event, by adding a content hub link to the workspace's app menu. More information
This update is available now on newly created workspaces. For existing workspaces, please go to Marketplace > Installed modules > Libraries, and update the "spotman-menu-editor" library.
Updates to organization user roles
For more tailored control within the organization, organization users with “organizer” and “member” roles can add new users to the organization as guests only.
URL redirect for events using "legacy" registration page
A redirect option has been created for events that are using legacy registration page URLs, to manage the transition to the new Registration page. For more information on setting this up please contact SpotMe support.
Add to calendar buttons update
The Add to calendar buttons present in registration pages and email templates have been updated to better support browser and email provider requirements.
Preview button added to Studio
We've added a "Preview" button in Studio, to allow users to see and test how the live session will look to your audience in the app, prior to going live.
Login button in registration page for pre-production events
The login button in registration pages will no longer be accessible to attendees while the event is in "pre-production" status. Once the event is moved to "production"status, the login button will become available automatically.
Dates automatically adjust based on user browser (web app)
Dates displayed in the web app are now localized so that they adjust to the attendee's browser (and within the translations in the workspace).
Accepted legal documents in user exports
The user list export now includes a column for each legal document with the date of when it was accepted by the user. This applies to accepting legal documents through the registration page, or before accessing the app if no registration page is configured. If no date is added to the column, this means the legal document was not accepted.
Registration page sent emails added to workspace email logs
The automated emails that are sent out to attendees as part of the registration process are now added to the email logs section in the workspace.
Improve experience for creating content hub categories
We've updated the user interface for creating the hub categories and associating content to them. More information
Closed captions in content hub
Closed captions can now be enabled by visitors watching a live session recording imported from a connected event, if closed captions were configured at the time of the live session in the event.
Web app cookie banner
We slightly changed the text in the web app cookies banner to "You can share anonymized usage statistics with us to improve your experience. Read our cookie policy.".
The latest version of the app is 2.17.3 for iOS and 2.13.2 for Android.
Improved the screens for feeds and notifications when no content is available.
Adjusted the experience for attendees accessing third party live streams, so that they now first access the session page before tapping to view the stream.
Updated the Q&A tab display and text for when no questions are available for attendees to see.
Made the color of the “Your answer” placeholder text lighter in the wordcloud tab, to better indicate when the response field is disabled.
Activity challenge (v1.16.1)
- In Backstage: Support added for associating live sessions polls to activity challenges.
- In Backstage: Changed names of "legacy" Q&A and poll activity providers to clearly differentiate them from the live session Q&A and poll providers.
- In Backstage: Typo fixed in tooltip.
Agenda (v3.35.0)
- In Backstage: Under-the-hood adjustments in view of supporting offline access of the agenda.
Attendance tracking (v5.1.0)
- In Backstage: Only upper case letters and numbers can now be used when creating custom in and out attendance PIN codes in Backstage.
Badges and certificates (v1.6.1)
- In Backstage: A message has been added to prompt the user to select a printing template prior to changing the “Print for“ option to “Items matching certain criteria“.
Contacts (v1.9.1)
- In Backstage: Removed superfluous "Profile" tab in Users > Settings, as it is no longer used.
- In Backstage: Under-the-hood adjustments in view of supporting offline app access.
- In Backstage: Adjustments made to notifications received, to better distinguish between "Your connection request was accepted" and "You have received a connection request".
Conversations (v1.2.2)
- In Backstage: Resolved issue with horizontal arrow symbols displaying properly.
Cvent integration (v2.7.2)
- In Backstage: Removed superfluous "Is required" option in "API data mappings" section.
Documents (v2.15.2)
- In Backstage: Improved support for rewarding points in activity challenge for documents viewed.
Feed (v1.25.0)
- In app: Resolved isolated issue with displaying a feed post linked to a speaker.
- In Backstage: Under-the-hood adjustments in view of supporting offline app access.
Forms (v1.28.7)
- In app: Resolved isolated issue with linked session surveys not displaying in the sessions in the app.
- In Backstage: Resolved isolated issue with linked form to session preventing the "Send notification", "Deliver form after" and "Remove form after" options from working.
- In Backstage: Under-the-hood performance improvements.
- In Backstage: Improved the stability for saving forms.
Live sessions (v1.15.0)
- In app: Updated some of the feedback messages when responding to word cloud polls for a more comfortable user experience.
Maps (v4.12.0)
- In Backstage: Resolved issue where the booth number and icon of a sponsor was showing in the map, despite the "Don’t show anything" being selected In Backstage.
- In Backstage: Aligned the dropdown options available in the "Show" field for the map and the "Edit location" window, for more clarity, and resolved issue with the "Don't show anything" option not working as expected.
- In app: Resolved isolated issue on iOS, where the map location search was not showing the location.
Notifications (v4.9.0)
- In Backstage: Scheduled notifications are now sent only based on the event's time zone. The "Send in user's timezone" option has been removed.
- In Backstage: We've improved the verifications made by the system when notifications are imported via XLS, for more stability.
Participant matching (v1.3.2)
- In Backstage: Resolved issue with the participant matching form not being replicated when creating a workspace from a template that has participant matching configured.
Registration page (v3.0.9)
- In Backstage: In the Users module, in the Pending registrations requests tab, the "Request date" column data can now be sorted by date.
Speakers (v2.19.1)
- In Backstage: Resolved isolated technical issue with a speaker being displayed in the app but not in Backstage, due to name spelling unicode restrictions.
Users (v2.33.0)
- In Backstage: The user list export now includes a column for each legal document with the date of when it was accepted by the user. This applies to accepting legal documents through the registration page, or before accessing the app if no registration page is configured. If no date is added to the column, this means the legal document was not accepted.
- In Backstage: Users who registered via the new registration page are no longer marked as "active" in the user report.
- In Backstage: Resolved isolated issue with users not displaying in the user list when their names included certain specific Japanese characters.
- In Backstage: Resolved issue with activation times shown in user exports.
Veeva integration (v1.5.0)
- In Backstage: Changed the name of the "Track attendance per session" option to "Track stats per session" to better reflect how this option works.
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