Performing a full review of your workspace, also known as a campaign review, is a critical step prior to inviting your audience and launching the event. It will allow you to test and perform any necessary quality assurance steps to ensure that you deliver a seamless experience to your audience.
The campaign review works like a checklist. Below you can find our suggested steps for the campaign review, with details for the actions and expected results for each aspect of the workspace.
Attached you will also find a downloadable and editable campaign review template that you can use to populate the results of your tests and findings.
Tip: SpotMe offers a dedicated campaign review service performed according to the available template. If you would like to learn more about it, please contact your SpotMe Customer Success Manager.
Step |
Actions taken |
Expected results |
1 |
Click on the registration page link |
The link opens correctly and lands on the welcome page |
2 |
Review translations and branded elements |
Welcome icon, title and text are displayed correctly on the welcome page. The registration fields and login instructions are present and displayed properly on the registration page. Linked legal documents are displayed on the registration page and redirected to the respective document. There is no option to download the app from the stores. |
3 |
Click on the left and right footers |
The left and right footer buttons are redirecting to the respective website / email address. |
4 |
Fill out the registration page form |
When all mandatory fields are filled out and the legal documents accepted, the "Send" button becomes available. After the form is submitted, a confirmation screen displays. An automated email is received on the registered email address. |
5 |
Review the post-registration confirmation email |
The email displays all images / banners correctly. All text is properly spelled and formatted. All links in the email are working correctly. |
6 |
Check user creation on the workspace |
After registration a new user is created under “Pending registration requests”. Upon exporting the user registration request, all data input in the registration form is mapped to a user field. Upon activating their profile (usually by clicking on the access link in the registration confirmation email), the user is transferred to the “Users” section. |
🔗ACTIVATION (if different than registration) |
1 |
Create a hidden user for yourself on the workspace.
Open the app and enter your login credentials. |
In case of email login, an email with a temporary 6-digit code and activation link is sent to the user's email address. Clicking on the activation link or entering the code in the app, redirects the user to their event list (in case of multiple registered events) or directly loads an event (in case of a single registered event). In case of event login, the user is able to access the workspace immediately after entering email and activation code credentials. In case of account login, the user goes through email verification after entering their email and chosen password in the app. |
1 |
Send all relevant email templates to yourself |
All emails are received in the inbox of the user. |
2 |
Review email formatting |
Email banners are properly displayed. Sender and subject line are spelled correctly. Emails’ body text is spelled and formatted correctly. |
3 |
Click on all available links in the emails |
App access links / buttons redirect the user to log in or provide direct access to the platform. “Add to calendar” links download an .ical file or add the event to Google calendar depending on the calendar service. The event dates and times are correct upon adding them to your calendar. Any other link redirects the user to the respective external site. |
1 |
Review feed branding and content |
Clicking on the “Home” button redirects to the home feed. Clicking on all other feed links redirects to the correct feed. The feed banner(s) displays properly. The branding of the feed is consistent across all posts. All feed posts are spelled and formatted correctly. |
2 |
Click on all linked items on the feed |
Clicking on the items in the "Quick links" section on the home feed redirects the user to the respective item / content. Clicking on the items linked to all posts redirects the user to the respective item / content. |
3 |
Post on the feed (if enabled) |
If moderation is disabled - Upon clicking on the post icon, entering a text and submitting the post, the post becomes immediately available on the feed. If moderation is enabled - a pop-up message confirms that the post will be available only after approval. The post is not displayed. The post displays correctly the name of the author, timestamp and post body. |
4 |
Comment on the feed (if enabled) |
If moderation is disabled - Upon clicking on the "Reply" button, entering a text and submitting the comment, it becomes immediately available under the respective post. If moderation is disabled - a pop up message confirms that the comment will be available only after approval. The comment is not displayed. |
5 |
Like a post on the feed (if enabled) |
Upon clicking on the "Like" icon below a post, one like is recorded. |
1 |
Review app menu branding |
The profile banner displays correctly. All item icons are displayed and are consistent in resolution and style. |
2 |
Click on all menu items |
Clicking on any item on the app menu redirects the user to the respective item / content. |
3 |
Review item targeting and visibility |
Updating the user’s profile to match targeting conditions results in displaying or hiding the targeted content in the app. |
1 |
Click on your name / profile row in the app |
The profile page opens displaying the option to view legal documents, upload a profile photo, update user details and connect the user’s LinkedIn profile (in order to import the profile photo from there). |
2 |
Click on “Privacy & Legal” |
A new page opens with the option to download or erase the user's data. |
3 |
Click on “Connect” next to the LinkedIn label |
The user is redirected to log into their LinkedIn profile. After logging connecting, The profile photo from the LinkedIn account is imported into the app. |
4 |
Click on the camera icon above your name |
The user is redirected to take a photo of themselves or upload a photo from their device. Upon uploading a photo, the profile photo of the user is updated on their profile and in the user list. |
5 |
Update your user details |
Upon updating your first and last name, the change is reflected on the user profile, the user list and on the workspace in Backstage. |
1 |
Click on the users / attendee list in the app |
The attendee list is displayed. The attendee list shows only “active” status users. SpotMe users are not displayed in the list. The attendee list is ordered alphabetically (based on first or last name). Full name, company and position are displayed correctly for all users in the list. All available user photos are correctly displayed in the list. |
2 |
Search for a user in the search bar |
The search bar in the list is available and provides matched results depending on the search. |
3 |
Filter the user list based on available criteria |
The list displays only the shortlisted users matching the chosen filter criteria. |
4 |
Click on any available custom user list |
The list displays only the shortlisted (target) users. |
1 |
Click on the Speakers / Presenters item in the app |
The speaker list is displayed. The speaker list shows only “active” status speakers. The speaker list is ordered alphabetically (based on first or last name). Full name, company and position are displayed correctly for all speakers in the list. All available speaker photos are correctly displayed in the list. |
2 |
Click on all speakers from the list |
The speaker profile page displays with all uploaded speaker information. Speakers’ biography and other details are formatted and spelled correctly. The sessions linked to the speaker are all displayed and upon clicking on the session name, the user is redirected to the respective Agenda session. |
3 |
Click on any available custom speaker list |
The list displays only the shortlisted (target) speakers.. |
1 |
Click on the agenda item in the app |
The session list is displayed starting from the date of the first available session. The agenda shows all sessions in their chronological order. Session names, start and end times, location labels and tags are displayed properly. Spelling and format is correct. Linked speakers are displayed below each session. |
2 |
Filter sessions based on available criteria |
The list displays only the shortlisted sessions matching the filter criteria. |
3 |
Click on each session in the agenda |
Session names, times, and descriptions are correctly spelled and formatted. Linked speakers are displayed on each session page. Linked documents, forms and other items are displayed on the session page. In case there is a linked stream, the stream window opens automatically and displays at the top of the session page. |
4 |
Click on a linked speaker profile from the session page |
The user is redirected to the respective speaker’s profile in the app. |
5 |
Click on a location on the session page |
The user is redirected to the exact location on the interactive map in the app (if the location is linked). |
6 |
Click on linked video breakouts |
In case there are scheduled video breakouts, clicking on the session name will either: - Prompt the user to join the video breakout immediately, or - Display a button “Join video call” which after being clicked will prompt the user to join the call. |
7 |
Click on the “Register” button on the session page (if registration is enabled) |
The user receives registration confirmation “You have registered for this session”. Registration can be canceled by clicking on “Cancel”. On the user profile in the workspace in Backstage, the name of the session appears under the “Registered sessions” section. |
8 |
Preview session targeting / visibility in the app |
Updating the user’s profile to match targeting conditions results in displaying or hiding the targeted sessions in the app. |
9 |
Click on all available custom session lists |
All custom lists display the shortlisted sessions based on the configured target criteria. |
1 |
Click on the sponsors item in the app |
The list of all sponsors, their logos and levels is displayed in the app according to the configured sort order. |
2 |
Click on each sponsor in the list |
The level of the sponsor is properly displayed. The sponsor banner is displayed in the correct resolution. Sponsors’ details and linked items are correctly displayed - website, contacts, documents, representatives, sponsored sessions. |
3 |
Click on all hyperlinks and linked items on the sponsor page |
Hyperlinks in the text redirect to the respective external site or internal content. Linked items redirect to the respective external site or internal content. Linked videos play properly. Linked documents are opened and navigated through properly. Linked representatives lead to the representatives’ user profile. |
4 |
Click on the sponsor booths (if any) |
The user is redirected to join a video call. Access to camera and mic is requested. Upon granting access, users join a video call. |
5 |
Review custom sponsor lists |
All custom lists display the shortlisted sponsors based on the configured target criteria. |
1 |
Click on all PDFs in the app |
The pdf displays in a pop-up window. The pdf can be bookmarked. A note can be taken directly on the pdf document. The pdf can be zoomed in and out. |
2 |
Click on all videos in the app |
The video plays properly in the app in a pop up window. The video can be bookmarked. |
3 |
Click on all external links in the app |
All links redirect to the respective external website in a new window. |
4 |
Click on all webcasts in the app |
Webcasts open and play at the top of the same page. Webcasts can be paused and played. Webcasts can be viewed in full screen mode. |
5 |
Click on any other (ppt, xlsx, docx) document in the app |
Other documents are downloaded locally and do not preview directly in the app. Other documents can be bookmarked. |
6 |
Review document icons |
Document icons are consistent in style, format and color theme across the app. |
7 |
Review document visibility / targeting in the app |
Updating the user’s profile to match targeting conditions results in displaying or hiding the targeted documents in the app. |
1 |
Open all pages in the app |
All pages’ elements display correctly in the app - banners, texts, linked items. Text elements are spelled and formatted correctly. |
2 |
Click on all linked items on a page |
All text hyperlinks and linked items redirect to the respective external site or internal content. |
3 |
Review page banners and icons |
Banners and icons are consistent in style, format and color theme across the app. |
4 |
Review page visibility / targeting in the app |
Updating the user’s profile to match targeting conditions results in displaying or hiding the targeted pages in the app. |
1 |
Open all forms in the app |
All forms’ elements display correctly in the app - banners, texts, questions and answers, linked items. Questions and answers are spelled and formatted correctly. |
2 |
Review forms banners and icons |
Banners and icons are consistent in style, format and color theme across the app. |
3 |
Fill out at least two forms |
Open text questions allow for text input. Radio buttons and dropdown menu questions allow you to select a single possible answer. Checkbox questions allow you to select multiple answers. Rating type of questions allow you to select a rating based on a defined scale. The form can only be submitted when all mandatory questions are answered. In case of quizzes, feedback (correct answers) is displayed only after responding to a question OR submitting the form, without the option to change your response. |
4 |
Review form results |
After filling out a form, the results are recorded in Backstage - all forms have the “Survey response generator” behaviour enabled. The results can be downloaded as a .pdf with graphical representation of the aggregated results’ data. The results can be downloaded as a .xlsx including all raw results’ data. If the anonymous results behaviour is enabled, raw results do not display user information. In case of quizzes, correctly answered questions are indicated in the forms’ results. |
5 |
Review form visibility / targeting in the app |
Updating the user’s profile to match targeting conditions results in displaying or hiding the targeted forms in the app. |
1 |
Open all available chatbots / conversations in the app |
The chatbot opens and displays a welcome message. The user has an option to continue the “chat” by choosing from a number of predefined answers. |
2 |
Click on all options available in the chatbot |
Clicking on an option automatically triggers a predefined response from the bot. Clicking on a linked item redirects the user to the respective external site or internal continent. The user has to restart the chat after being redirected. All images in the chatbot are displayed correctly in the appropriate resolution. All texts are spelled and formatted correctly. The conversation ends upon choosing the respective option. |
1 |
Open the chat item in the app |
The user is redirected to a page displaying all past and current chats. Clicking on an existing chat redirects the user to the respective conversation. |
2 |
Click on the "New message" icon |
A pop up window opens prompting the user to send a new message by selecting a recipient and adding a text message. |
3 |
Click on the “Bookmarks” section in the app |
The user is redirected to a page listing all bookmarked items in the app. |
4 |
Click on the “Contacts” section in the app |
The user is redirected to a page listing all of their connections. |
5 |
Click on the “Notes” section in the app |
The user is redirected to a page listing all of their notes with the option to take a new note. |
1 |
Send a targeted notification to yourself in the app |
The notification is displayed in a pop up window on the web app. The notification is displayed in a pop up window as a push message on the native app, even if the user has closed the application. The notification is received only by the targeted user. The notification is stored in the “Notification” section in the app. If the notification is linked to an item, clicking on the notification redirects the user to the linked content. |
1 |
Preview the already available streams in the app (RTMPS and Embed) |
If the stream has not started, a countdown until the start time of the stream is displayed. The correct time is displayed. If the stream has started, the currently live content on the stream is properly displayed. The user can view the stream in full screen. The user can send a question in the Q&A. The user can clap on the stream. The user can pause and play the stream. The user can mute and unmute the stream. After the stream is closed, a message to inform the user that the stream has ended is displayed. Once the stream is published, the recording of the stream is properly played in the app. |
2 |
Test SpotMe Studio live streams
Create a test SpotMe Studio live stream in Backstage and enable all available options.
Target the stream to just yourself in the app and start the stream. |
The stream starts upon going live and is properly displayed in the app (audio and video are coming through). Any uploaded background is displayed on the live stream. Chat messages are received in the Studio. Microphone, camera and screen sharing controls are working correctly. Moderation controls are working correctly. Stopping the stream automatically generates a recording and provide an option to publish it. |
🔗 Q&A |
1 |
Send a question in the Q&A |
Sending a question immediately displays the question in the Q&A (if moderation is disabled). Sending a question displays the question in the Q&A, after it has been approved for discussion (if moderation is enabled). |
2 |
Moderate a question in the backend |
New questions are displayed in the “Incoming” tab. Approving a question transfers it to the “Discussion” tab and displays it to all users on the stream. Pushing a question to the screen displays the question on the stream window in the app. Archiving a question transfers it to the “Archived” tab and does not display it to users on the stream. |
3 |
Download all questions |
All submitted questions and their status are available in the downloaded stream analytics spreadsheet. |
🔗 POLLs |
1 |
Click on all available poll questions in the streams (in the backend) |
All questions and answers are formatted and spelled correctly (applicable to English version only). |
2 |
Review the targeting, formatting and spelling of all available polls |
All poll questions and answers are formatted and spelled correctly. If targeting is enabled, clicking on “Show affected users” displays a list of targeted users. |
🔗 MAPS |
1 |
Click on the "Map" item in the app |
The linked interactive map opens to the default floor. Clicking on a different floor, redirects the user to the respective map of the floor. All locations are labeled properly and displayed on the map. Users can search for a location via the search bar. The map can be zoomed in and out. |
1 |
Preview the activity challenge in the app |
The activity challenge page displays all objectives and activities that will award points if completed. Banners and icons are consistent and formatted correctly. Objectives and activities are formatted and spelled correctly. |
2 |
Complete all activities |
After performing each action in the app configured as an activity, the correct amount of points is awarded to the user. The grayed out icon changes upon completing an activity to a coloured one. After completing / progressing on all activities, the total amount of points awarded to the user is correct. |
3 |
Preview the leaderboard |
The leaderboard displays data about all or a certain number of users with the scores and rankings. SpotMe users are hidden on the Leaderboard. The leaderboard data can display aggregated / group results based on configured criteria. |
4 |
Export the leaderboard results |
Exporting the leaderboard data from Backstage downloads a spreadsheet with all users or groups listing all completed activities, objectives, rankings and total scores. |
1 |
Click on the participant matching item in the app |
Clicking on the item displays the participant matching form that must be filled out. |
2 |
Fill out the form with your user |
After logging in with your user and a dummy user and filling out the form with the exact same responses: - The results are recorded in Backstage; - A message is displayed in the app that the matching results will be available shortly. - Users are able to edit their results. |
3 |
Edit your form responses |
Clicking on the edit icon re-opens the form with the option to change the filled results and re-submits the forms. Updated results are recorded in Backstage. |
4 |
Download the participant matching form results |
Matchmaking results are available under the Forms Results section in Backstage. Results can be downloaded as a .pdf with graphical representation of the aggregated data and as a .xlsx containing the raw user responses. |
1 |
Click on the "Meetings" item in the app |
If there are no scheduled meetings, a message “No meetings. Tap + to send an invite” is displayed. If there are scheduled meetings, a list of all meetings and their details is displayed. |
2 |
Create a new meeting in the app |
Clicking on the + icon prompts the user to schedule a new meeting by selecting meeting participants, title and location, scheduled time and duration, and meeting notes. Upon scheduling a new meeting, it becomes available in the “Meetings” section with the option to edit the meeting details, delete the meeting and confirm / decline attendance. The meeting attendees receive a notification for a new scheduled meeting with the option to confirm or decline attendance. |
3 |
Create a new meeting in the backend |
After scheduling a new meeting in Backstage, it will appear in the list of meetings for the invited participants in the app. |
1 |
Click on the "Certificates" section in the app |
The user is redirected to a page with the option to print and download their certificate of attendance. If a form is linked as a prerequisite for the certificate, the print button becomes available after the user fills out and submits the form. |
2 |
Download your certificate of attendance |
Clicking on the print button generates a certificate of attendance as a .pdf which can be downloaded locally to the user’s device. |
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