Once you have created your content hub, and added your content by connecting events or uploading files manually from your computer, you can edit the details of the videos and documents that are present in the content hub.
To do so, go to the Content section in your content hub. You can choose to display either the Videos or the Documents list in the content hub.
Here we will go through the steps of editing a video's details, however the same approach can be used for editing a document that is uploaded to the content hub (in the Documents section).
Below we will access the list of videos, and select the first video in the list to see its details:
All the information for the video is displayed here:
Here you can:
Change the video title
By default the title is taken from the video file name at the time of the import or upload. The video title will be visible to the visitors of the content hub.
Add or edit the description for the video
The description will also be visible to the the visitors of the content hub.
Select tags to associate to the video
Selected tags will allow you to create content categories in the content hub (in the Design section), and can be used by the visitors as filters in the content hub to help them find the content that they are looking for. More information on using tags and categories.
Select home categories to add the video to
Here you can select a category for the video to be highlighted in. These categories are displayed in the HIGHLIGHTED section of the content hub to get more visibility from your audience. More information on using tags and categories.
Add a custom thumbnail to the video
Here you can upload an image from your computer as a thumbnail for the video, that will be visible to visitors of the content hub. Accepted file types are PNG and JPEG. Maximum file size is 1.0 MB. Recommended resolution is 640x360 px.
Publish/unpublish a video, or delete the video
Click on the Publish/Unpublish button, or click on the trash can to delete the video from the content hub. Publishing the video will make it visible to your audience.
See the video information:
Here you can see:
- The preview of the video.
- The status of the video in the content hub (published or unpublished), and modify it.
- The source of the video (i.e. the connected event it was imported from, or if it was uploaded manually).
- The file size, as well as the date and time it was imported or uploaded.
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